Designed to match our Limerick Sudden receiver kit. The circuitry is a VXO, followed by a buffer and the PA is a 2N3866. The output is around 2 watts, the VXO & buffer are keyed by another transistor and there is muting on the RX antenna feed. There are 4 toroids to wind – a coupling transformer, and the 3 inductors of the 7 element low pass filter.
Due to the built in receiver muting, the transmitter operates full QSK. The kit uses the “Limerick” method of construction, as used in the earlier receiver. The pads are actually etched on the board (like surface mount), and the interconnections between them are PCB tracks, hidden under the solder masking. No "through hole" connections are made, although "through hole" components are used. The kit includes all components, the complete case, and knob. All you need to supply is a soldering iron and solder, and a few simple hand tools. The iron should be of a reasonable size, as the case is made by soldering the parts together, and a low power iron may not be "man" enough.
The transmitter output is 50 Ohms and will need an ATU unless the antenna presents the correct 50 Ohm load. The kit is now available for 20m, 30m, 40m or 80m. The cost is £40 plus postage - £3.50 (UK), £5.40 (EU), or £8.00 (DX), and should be ordered from club sales.
Finally, we now have a matching All Band ATU.
Read about the companion Sudden Receiver Kit.More Photos.
Transmitter with matching Receiver
Download the manual: Sudden 20m Tx Manual or Sudden 30m Tx Manual or Sudden 40m Tx Manual or Sudden 80m Tx Manual
Also available in Spanish - Sudden 40m Tx Manual and the Sudden 80m Tx Manual
To order your kit please contact Dan
Members Price - only £40.00
Postage and Packaging extra. £4.00 for the UK. £21.00 for DX. Regretfully, not available for the EU and NI
Note if you are ordering more than 1 kit please ask for a postage quote.