In celebration of the Club's golden anniversary, the project for this year's Convention Buildathon is a new twist on an old favorite. The More Beefy OXO (MBO) Transmitter adds an additional power amplifier to the old OXO to give a full QRP maximum of 5 watts output.
The Convention kit will come with parts for 7MHz (40m) but the MBO Tx will work on any band up to 14MHz (20m), albeit with slightly less output. All that is needed is a change of a crystal and the Low Pass Filter.
We hope to have antennas set up at Telford to try the MBOs as they are completed; there may be a prize for the best RBN spot, or something similar.
The kits were £15 and have now sold out. It is highly unlikely that we will have spaces for 'walk-ins'.
For those who cannot attend, the circuit of the MBO Tx will be shared via SPRAT in due course.