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Welcome to the GQRP Club

Formed in 1974 by Rev. George Dobbs G3RJV, the GQRP Club is a non profit organisation run entirely by volunteers to promote Low Power Radio (QRP) . Whether you have a ham licence or not - everyone is welcome. Our quarterly magazine SPRAT provides a fascinating read containing articles of varying complexity, from simple test equipment, to fully functioning radio transmitters and receivers. Membership fees are about as low as you will find anywhere and our club sales service to members is second to none...

George: Click to enlarge.

The Rev George Dobbs G3RJV
1943 - 2019






50 Years of G-QRP

It was in September 1974 that George Dobbs G3RJV started the wheels turning to make the G-QRP Club a reality. Fifty years later, the Club is going strong and we have had around four thousand paid up members for over a decade. To mark the anniversary we have had a 5-part SCD transceiver building series in Practical Wireless, we have an anniversary coffee mug for sale, a 'golden' (yellow plastic) 200-SPRAT-on-a-Stick, a limited edition 104-page A4 SPRAT Extra and a special activity period running throughout September 2024. Full details of the 'Low & Clear' activity period, certificates and how to register to take part are here.

Logo for 50 years

The 50th anniversary logo is shown above. Our thanks to Philippe, F5SDT, for the artwork.




Please explore our pages and if you would like to join us we would love to welcome you to our membership.